
Using the graph of f(x) and g(x), where g(x) = f(k⋅x), determine the value of k.A.) 3B.) 1/3C.) -1/3D.) -3

Accepted Solution

Answer:   A.)  3Step-by-step explanation:In the equation g(x) = f(k·x), the factor k is a horizontal compression factor. Here the graph of g is the graph of f compressed by a factor of 3. The point (3, 2) on the graph of f(x) becomes the point (1, 2) on the graph of g(x). The point (1, 2) is a factor of 3 closer to the y-axis than the point (3, 2). It may be easier to think of k as the reciprocal of the horizontal expansion (dilation) factor. The function g is horizontally dilated by a factor of 1/3 from function f, so k = 1/(1/3) = 3.